What is a Direct from Manufacturer Item?

A direct from manufacturer item is a product we offer on our site, but is shipped directly from the manufacturer due to size or customization.

How can I tell if the item I ordered is a Direct from Manufacturer item?

Direct from Manufacturer items will be indicated as such on the product page, shopping cart, and order confirmation with a green truck icon.

How long will it take to receive a Direct from Manufacturer item?

If it is a non-custom item, it can take anywhere from 4-7 business days to receive. Custom items can take anywhere from 5 business days up to 8 weeks to arrive, depending on the item purchased. Expected delivery time frames will be listed on the product page, shopping cart, and order confirmation.

Does my Direct from Manufacturer item qualify for free shipping?

Due to the size and/or weight of direct from manufacturer items they may not qualify for our free standard delivery and additional shipping rates may apply. We use low-cost standard and live rates for fastest delivery of these specialty items. For the most current shipping rate, please add the item directly to your cart or contact our customer service team for assistance.

Can I return Direct from Manufacturer items?

The return policy varies according to the manufacturer and can be found in the product description. Some items are final sale and cannot be returned. If your item is not final sale, you are responsible for return shipping to the manufacturer and any restocking fees that may occur as a result of the return. If your Direct from Manufacturer item is eligible for return, please contact us at 1-877­-277­-279­5 Monday - Friday, 6:00 AM - 5:00 PM PST to receive a return authorization (RMA) number.

Can I process the return myself online?

No, in order to return one of these items you will need to contact our customer service department. They will provide you with a special return authorization (RMA) number, and the correct return address; this can take up to 1-2 business days. Please contact customer service at 1-877­-277­-279­5 Monday - Friday, 6:00 AM - 5:00 PM PST.