Introducing Our Fresh, New Look!
Believe it or not, we are turning five this year! Our humble, little online yoga shop is growing up fast, right before our eyes. And like any toddler-turned-preschooler, it's time to ditch the onesie and put on a fresh romper – so, starting today, we're sporting a brand new logo!
We were aiming for something that is fresh and modern – a look that represents our personality. was built with a balance of flowing creatively by delivering fresh ideas while staying connected to our roots. We wanted our logo to represent that balance of root-and-flow, while keeping the aesthetic sophisticated and clean. Our aim was to display our brand as evolving, fresh, and elevated, while delivering relevant product and ideas to our customers every day. Hopefully we came close!
We're excited that you're along for the ride with us as we grow up – and we hope that, together, we can also help YOU grow in your practice!
We haven't changed our mission or our values – just tied a new ribbon in our hair for this next stretch of our life. We hope you like it