Yoga Teacher Q+A with Vinnie Marino
In September, held its first-ever Retreat called Malibu Gathering, bringing together yogis, media, products, teachers, and experts for one and a half days of yoga (and great weather) in Southern California.
One of our teachers was Vinnie Marino, one of LA's most popular yoga instructors and a senior teacher at YogaWorks. He treated us to a classic Vinnie Marino yoga class experience - sweating to the tune of a rockin' 70's and 80's playlist. His classes are brutal in the best way possible and the perfect combination of east-meets-west philosophy. Vinnie loves connecting with students, and watching them grow and thrive. We had the honor of learning a little bit more about him in this exclusive EverydayYoga Q+A.

1) Tell us a bit about your background. What initially got you into the practice of yoga, and where did you gain most of your training and expertise?
I started practicing yoga in New York in the seventies as a teenager. Gym class in my hippie high school was yoga. YogaWorks in Santa Monica is where I did my training.
2) What do you love most about being a yoga teacher?
Yoga always makes people feel so good post-practice.
3) Where's your favorite place to practice and where is the coolest place you've taught or practiced yoga?
My favorite place to practice yoga is on my mat in a quiet, clean room. The coolest place I've ever taught and practiced was in Costa Rica. It was in a beautiful yoga room surrounded by the ocean, moneys, trees and blue sky.

4) Aside from yoga, what are three things you're passionate about?
Food, rock & roll, and the beach.
5) If you could send one message to the world, what would it be?
Kindness and compassion to yourself will result in kindness and compassion to others.
6) What's your favorite yoga pose?
Pincha Mayurasana.
7) What's your favorite style of yoga to practice?
It always changes. Iyengar, Vinyasa Flow, Restorative, and Yin.
8) Our September retreat was about creating community through yoga. How do you think yoga best builds community through the practice?
People develop relationships through meeting and connecting with each other in classes and on retreats.