The Zodiac Series: Sagittarius

Adventurous and Optimistic: The Spirited Sagittarius

Dates: 11/22 - 12/21 | Element: Fire
Symbol: Archer | Ruler: Jupiter | Compatibility: Aries
Key Traits: Adventurous, Optimistic, Independent
As we bid farewell to the intensity of Scorpio season, we usher in the expansive and adventurous energy of Sagittarius. Governed by the fire element, Sagittarius is symbolized by the Archer, pointing its arrow towards the horizons of wisdom, freedom, and truth. Sagittarians are known for their love of exploration, their optimistic outlook, and their fierce independence. In this Sagittarius season, let’s align our yoga practice with the Archer’s bold spirit, exploring the world of invigorating scents, vibrant colors, powerful yoga postures, and the expansive energy of crystals.

Aromatherapy: Cinnamon

The warm and spicy scent of cinnamon is the perfect companion for Sagittarius season. Known for its invigorating properties and ability to stimulate the senses, cinnamon aligns with the adventurous and optimistic nature of the Archer. Its scent not only boosts energy levels, but also inspires a sense of warmth and joy, complementing Sagittarius's quest for exploration and freedom.

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Power Color: Royal Blue or Purple

The colors royal blue and purple, reminiscent of the vast sky and the depth of the ocean, resonate with Sagittarius’s expansive and philosophical nature. Purple, a color associated with wisdom and nobility, reflects the Archer’s quest for knowledge and truth. Sagittarius, as a sign, seeks to explore both the outer world and the inner workings of the mind. Introducing these colors into your yoga practice can uplift your spirit, allowing for a connection to the boundless curiosity and adventurous spirit that Sagittarius embodies. Whether it's a royal blue yoga attire channeling the Archer’s boldness, or a purple mat that supports your quest for wisdom, these colors will inspire you in embracing Sagittarius’s dynamic energy.

Yoga Posture: Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)

Embodying the strength and courage of a warrior, Virabhadrasana, or Warrior Pose, is an ideal reflection of Sagittarius’s brave spirit. This series of powerful poses promotes concentration, balance, and groundedness, encouraging the inner strength and determination akin to that of the Archer.

As you step into Warrior Pose, let your feet root firmly to the ground, your arms reach with conviction, and your gaze focus ahead with the clarity of purpose. The pose invites you to harness your inner resilience and channel the Sagittarian spirit of fearless pursuit and righteousness.

WATCH: The Warrior Spirit via

Stone: Carnelian

Carnelian, with its bold red-orange hue, embodies the fiery energy of Sagittarius. This stone is known for its stimulating qualities, encouraging vitality and motivation, which perfectly complements the high-spirited nature of the Archer. Carnelian is said to promote courage, positive life choices, and motivates for success. Incorporate carnelian into your daily meditation or wear it to help harness the fearless and optimistic spirit of Sagittarius throughout your journey.

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As we embrace Sagittarius season, we connect with our inner explorer, guided by the warm scent of cinnamon, adorned in the expansive colors of royal blue and purple, and energized by the stimulating properties of Carnelian. This is a time for growth, adventure, and discovering our own truths. Incorporating Virabhadrasana into your practice during the next few weeks can ignite the fiery energy within, helping you to stand tall and face life's battles with a warrior's heart. As we move through the season, may we find in ourselves the courage and vigor that Sagittarius embodies, becoming warriors for our own truth and purpose.