Hopping into Hanuman Festival: All You Can Discover at This Unique Yoga Festival

The sun was shining, the vibrant Rocky Mountains were hugging the outskirts of the festival grounds, and lots of lovely yogis were out to play. What a perfect setting to kick off day 1 of Hanuman Festival in beautiful Boulder, Colorado.
First days are always a time for attendees to become acquainted with and immersed into the overall collective spirits of festivals. It didn't take much time at all for the spirit of Hanuman Festival to become clear. It is welcoming and peaceful and brings a conscious community together to collectively grow and reflect upon the many sacred things that life has to offer. Today showed that Hanuman Festival has something to offer to anyone who happens to find him or herself there. Here are some of the wonderful things that were found from frolicking throughout the festival.
Yoga Classes
Many different types of yoga classes are offered throughout each day. (It is a yoga festival, after all.) What makes these particular classes extra special is that they are taught by world-class yoga instructors whose vibes alone are enough to make their students feel connected, invested, and inspired. You can find any type of class, in gorgeous settings, that will be sure to elevate your mind, body, and soul.
Healthy and Delicious Food
The food at Hanuman Festival is completely drool-worthy. The various dish options are delicious, unique, and clearly made with lots of thought and love. Additionally, everything is organic, healthy, and made to nourish.
(Pictured: a garden wrap made with an array of veggies and some falafel + a side of sweet potato fries)
Inspirational and Informational Talks
The Gaia Community Tent sets the stage for instructors and spiritual experts to drop some of their knowledge on inquisitive attendees. Today we learned about how having daily rituals can help cultivate self-growth and intimacy with life. Also, the wonderful Annie Carpenter taught us about the importance of showing up for your practice (whatever that may be) each day and allowing yourself to drop your ego and surrender to everything that life has to offer.

The Gaia Community Tent is also the place for everyone to get their groove on. The end of the day was wrapped up with soothing tunes and a yogi dance party. Today's amazing artists were Katie Gray, Dustin Thomas, and Gipsy Moon.

Retail Therapy
In between yoga classes and discussion panels, you can take a break and sift through the treasures that the various vendors have to offer. The community is comprised of a mixture of big brand names (like Prana and Teeki) and local, smaller brands. (Pictured: the representative at Kira Grace)
Tomorrow will consist of more exploring, lessons from new teachers, more mind-blowing music, and many more noms. Check back in tomorrow for a recap of day 2!